NPR wants to advise your pizza order…

Quoctrung Bui from NPR says that there are at least 74476 reasons that you should always get the bigger pizza. (The article has an awesome interactive graph, too!)

If we could mix the article with a math exploration, we could provide an awesome opportunity for a math-literacy activity that can combine reasoning, reading, writing, and some number-crunching all in the same experience. That’s a nice combination. Also I suspect the content hits close to home for most students. (The leadership in our district is often looking for opportunities to increase authentic reading and writing in math classes. This seems to fit the bill quite well.)

Here’s an activity:

Although without fail, the menus from a variety of local pizza joints will probably be a bit more engaging. (Look for an update coming soon…)

Shauverino Pizziano

But the big question is why?

According to Bui: “The math of why bigger pizzas are such a good deal is simple: A pizza is a circle, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius.” 

Yup… that’s pretty much it.

One thought on “NPR wants to advise your pizza order…

  1. Total mindmeld! When we did circle measurements earlier this year, I intro’d the topic with a pizza menu like the one above (I used zpizza because students can gawk at the sticker price of the x-large and also they make vegan pizzas). I asked “Which pizza is the best deal?” and asked for guesses and explanations.

    Doing my own outside research, I discovered said gawky x-large was about as good a deal price per square inch as a small Domino’s pizza. I felt thrifty and then full.

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